After the extraordinary challenges of 2020 – which included the coronavirus pandemic, the polarizing presidential election and the increased awareness of racial injustice in the U.S. – dealmakers are eagerly embracing 2021 with open arms. It may turn out to be a spectacular year for M&A. The high level of activity experienced at the end of the old year is expected to continue in the new year. At Mergers & Acquisitions, the editorial team has identified four sectors in which we predict activity will be especially high in 2021: Logistics, Cryptocurrency, Telehealth and Education Technology.
Parade of Players
For crypto entrepreneurs like INX’s chief Alan Silbert and his brother Barry (an early investor in Coinbase and the founder of crypto-conglomerate Digital Currency Group), right now is like being under the buttonwood tree in lower Manhattan circa the early 1790s, except that in terms of designated gathering-spots for crypto speculators there are entire forests of buttonwoods. The sector is Balkanized, booming, cash flush; in other words, ripe for consolidation.
“There is greater appetite for acquisitions, which is matched by an ability to pay for assets among established players,” said Dushyant Shahrawat, a director of FinTech Investment Banking at New York-based Rosenblatt Securities, confirming sentiment among deal sponsors that crypto exchange consolidation is coming.
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January 5, 2021
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