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Rosenblatt's Monthly ETP Review: May 2022

Rosenblatt's Monthly ETP Review: May 2022

  • ETP average daily volume jumped 17.30% m/m (+72.94% y/y), to 3.04 bn, as the VIX average daily close climbed 20.97% m/m (+49.21% y/y), to 29.48.
  • Average daily value traded increased 8.71% m/m (+49.23% y/y), to $215.6 bn.
  • ETPs accounted for 23.0% of total equity ADV (+95 bps m/m) and 32.68% of ADVT (+60 bps m/m).
  • The 20-most-active ETPs comprised 40.63% (+146 bps m/m) of total ETP volume and 9.35% (+72 bps m/m) of all equity volume.
  • Off-exchange venues (+87 bps m/m) gained the most market share; NYSE Arca (-36 bps m/m) lost the most.
  • Net ETP fund flows turned positive once again (+$60.45 bn). US equity funds (+$29.98 bn) led the way, followed by US government-fixed-income (+$22.94 bn) and US corporate-fixed-income (+$10.29 bn) funds. Only commodity (-$3.43 bn), foreign-developed-market (-$1.61 bn) and specialty and alternative (-$583 mn) products suffered net inflows.

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