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Let There Be Light: Rosenblatt’s Monthly Dark Liquidity Tracker – European Edition

Let There Be Light: Rosenblatt’s Monthly Dark Liquidity Tracker – European Edition
  • The 42 alternative venues we track executed 19.12% of pan-European on-venue turnover in November, down 110 bps m/m (+199 bps y/y) from October
  • All three subgroups — Dark MTFs, Periodic Auctions and ELP SIs — lost market share
  • Our universe accounted for 12.00% of consolidated turnover, including on-venue and OTC, down 126 bps m/m
  • Muted overall trading activity and low volatility may be keeping alternative-venue market share elevated despite a decline from October’s highs
  • Differing SI and OTC trade-reporting regulations set to take effect next year in the EU and UK may further complicate the task of comparing such flows across jurisdictions

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