- The 40 venues we track executed 17.84% of pan-European on-venue turnover in January, up 131 bps m/m
- Dark MTFs (+99 bps) and periodic auctions (+48 bps) gained market share m/m, while ELP SIs (-17 bps) lost share.
- Together, venues in our universe executed €10.34 billion per day, up 48.26% m/m. Total on-venue (including displayed) trading jumped 37.40% m/m to €58.2 billion.
- Our universe accounted for 12.29% of consolidated turnover, including on-venue and OTC, up 125 bps m/m.
- Virtu’s periodic auction was the only venue to see ADVT decline m/m
- XTX Markets and Citadel Securities continue their battle to be the largest ELP SI.
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