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European Securities Volumes: June 2022

European Securities Volumes: June 2022
  • Average daily value traded dropped 13.27% m/m (+9.96 y/y), to €75.01 billion. Closing-auction volume spiked to 25.7% of consolidated value traded on June 17.
  • The VSTOXX average daily close fell 27.47% m/m to 27.47, while the FTSE 100 IVI increased 3.72% m/m to 23.38.
  • Lit markets (+116 bps m/m), closing auctions (+88 bps m/m), opening auctions (+18 bps m/m), ELP SIs (+13 bps m/m), periodic auctions (+12 bps m/m) and dark MTFs (+8 bps m/m) gained market share. Over-the-counter trading (-151 bps m/m) and bank SIs (-105 bps m/m) lost market share.
  • Sigma X MTF Europe (EU) (+29 bps m/m) gained the most pan-European on-venue market share. Nasdaq Stockholm (-75 bps m/m) lost the most.
  • Among the national exchanges we follow, the London Stock Exchange (+323 bps m/m, FTSE 250), Euronext Brussels (+106 bps m/m, BEL 20) and SIX Swiss Exchange (+49 bps m/m, CH 20) gained the most market share their home indices. Nasdaq’s three Nordic markets saw the largest declines: Helsinki (-141 bps m/m, FI 25), Copenhagen (-127 bps m/m, DK 25) and Stockholm (-113 bps m/m, SE 30).
  • Alternative closing-auction market share increased 100 bps, accounting for 7.54% of total end-of-day activity.

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