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Canadian Trading Monthly

Canadian Trading Monthly
  • The 228 equities listed in both Canada and the US had average daily volume across both countries of 678.6 million shares in September (-3.58% m/m).
  • Of this total, 393.2 million (-9.44% m/m) traded in the US and 285.5 million (+5.87% m/m) in Canada, for a US-CAD split of 57.9%-42.1%, compared with 61.7%-38.3% in September
  • The US OTC market traded 1.68% of the total value in single-listed Canadian securities, down 24 bps m/m.
  • Market-wide Canadian ADV (including single-listed names) increased 3.45% m/m (-24.69% y/y), to 950.4 million shares.
  • Dark-pool market share dropped 29 bps m/m (-4 bps y/y) in September, to 4.54%.

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